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Home: Overview
Senior researcher
Dr. Sandra Pinto

CV synopsis

2006: Dr Sandra Pinto received her degree in Biochemistry in 2006, at Universidade da Beira Interior, During her scientific project she worked at Hospital Cova da Beira where she acquired experience in Clinical Microbiology.


2009 - 2013:  Dr. Sandra Pinto was PhD student at IST (University of Lisbon). From 2009 to 2011, she was a visiting student at Weizmann Institute of Science. During her PhD, she acquired strong multidisciplinary training on chemistry, state-of-the-art biophysics methodologies (e.g. Fluorescence Spectroscopy and microscopy) and cell biology which are of great assistance for the characterization of cellular mechanisms related with the action of novel antibiotics.


2013: Postdoctortoral Researcher at Instituto de Medicina Molecular João Lobo Antunes (iMM). There she started studying viral-derived peptides with biomedical interest.


2015: Postdoctortoral Researcher at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST). Continuing the same project, she implemented and optimized advanced fluorescence imaging methods, aiming to characterize bacterial biofilm structure during treatment with antimicrobial agents.


2018-2021: Research Assistant at Institute for Bioengineering and Biosciences (iBB)/IST under the NT (norma transitória).

In 2019 she initiated as co-PI a new funded (Research Grant 2019) project Tackling multiple myeloma by osteoblast cross-regulation OSTEOGLUTIS. The project won 3rd edition of the Multiple Myeloma (10K euros).

During this period, she has also identified novel class of synthetic mimics of AMPs (patent PT Nº 116802) and preformed collaborative work that resulted resulted in the creation of new platforms for visualizing and investigating lipid droplets in cancer cells.


2021: The exploratory project SentinelEVs EXPL/BTM-MAT/0910/2021, of which she is the Co-PI, was granted 50K euros by FCT.


2022: The exploratory project DENDRICARE 2022.03627.PTDC, of which she is the PI, was granted 50 K by FCT.


2023: Dr. Sandra Pinto is now a member of the Lisbon Regional Delegation of the Portuguese Chemical Society (SPQ).


She is currently supervising 2 PhD and 1 Master students.


Dr. Sandra Pinto

Senior Researcher
Institute for Bioengineering and Biosciences (iBB)
Instituto Superior Técnico

Complexo Interdisciplinar
Instituto Superior Técnico
Av. Rovisco Pais,
1049 001 Lisboa, Portugal


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